Today, I was scrubbing the floor and I suddenly remembered it was Aug 1st. I opened the door where the children were vegging on the couch and said, "who knows what today is?" They promptly replied "Aug 1", and stared at me like I was sniffing pinesol for fun. So, I said, "Who knows what happened 15 years ago today?" Again, they looked at each other, then me, and shrugged their shoulders. So, I got to tell our story again....
15 years ago today, I lost a foster child that had lived with me for a year. I knew where she was going, and thought it was a good placement, but my heart was torn in half. About 2 hours after she moved out, the DSS worker called me. She asked me how I was, and I thought, 'isn't that nice, she's checking up on me'. I said, "OK, but I've got a huge hole in my heart". She said, "Well, I have just the thing to fill it." Within a few hours, I had a chubby, brown eyed boy in my arms. I fell in love instantly. It took awhile, and there were many bumps along the road, but today, Aug 1, 2008, that little boy still calls me "mama".