Saturday, March 8, 2008

As For Me and My House....

CRASH!!!BOOM!!! The house shook. The dogs came scrambling and so did Jeremiah. It was an abrupt way to beging the day, and the storm raging outside was a foreshadowing of our morning inside. The kids got in a fight, and I had to send them to their separate corners. Tears flowed and ugly words gushed out of their mouths....crash...boom....severe storm warnings scrolled across the bottom of the TV screen and across their faces.

In trying to lead them through this most recent bout of friction, I made the comment that adults don't solve their problems by bashing each other, verbally and physically, and using their bullying techniques to force their will on other people. Trystan looked at me and said, "but I'm not an adult". My reply to him was, "You don't turn into one overnight when you reach 18, it's a process that you practice until you have it well enough to do it on your own."

As he stormed away, I thought about all the adults that DO handle those kinds of situations with ugliness and bullying. I guess I live in a rose-colored world because my work environment is one of cooperation and problem solving. My coworkers bend over backwards to make sure things are said in nonhurtful ways. This is a blessing. I wish it were one my kids could learn!

So now, I'm back to my Saturday morning quiet time (since everyone else is in their respective places of solitude) pondering on the verse "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." My question is can we enforce that decision? After 25 years in education, I have reached the conclusion that we can't MAKE anyone do anything. We can make the consequences of not following the rules uncomfortable, and make the rewards of complicance pleasing, but ultimately, each person makes their own choices that determine actions. How can any of us speak for 'our house' and their decisions?

I realize that we don't just wake up, and.. bam....we're mature enough to make all the right decisions in following God's will. I know that it's a growth process. When I look back on my growth, I've tried to point to a specific turning point of "there it is, that's when my faith became more than words. It was then that my relationship with Christ began to flavor my decisions and thought processes." But, I can't come pinpoint many exact times. Looking back, it was a series of mini-choices and God appointments with others that led me forward, sometimes, and backwards at times. I guess you could say I am the sum total of my experiences. So, perhaps the decision that 'me and my house willserve the Lord' isn't a one time thing, but a series of mini committments, sequentially causing us to move forward in our maturity.

My committment has also been a greatly influenced by a weekly dredging in God's word, through the preaching and leadership at Nags Head Church. Most Sunday's I walk away with the thought that the semon was special tailored for my growth needs and my weaknesses. Which reinforces the thought that my kids (my house) need to be dedicated to regular attendance, ministry, praise, personal devotions, and fellowship. We all need to be involved in missions, whether here or elsewhere. We need to continue to practice the 'it's not about me' mantra. It won't suddenly happen, but perhaps, through the mini course adjustments and LOTS of practice we can move closer to understanding what it means to declare that 'my house will serve the Lord.'

For now, the storm, outside, has passed and the sun is shining. The yard is flooded, because when you are deluged with rain, there is usually residual effects. In our case, we sometimes have to pick our way carefully through the high patches so we don't get wet on the way to the car. The forecast is for more storms...I'm sure there will be more storms inside as well. God, help me to be wise and discerning, and help me to help my children come to the decision that they too, will serve You.

1 comment:

Apple said...

Seriously, you are a fabulous writer. (It must be all that preparation for the writing test!)