Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Satisfaction guarenteed

Many business have adopted this slogan to lure customers to trust them...their product will COMPLETELY satisfy, or you'll get your money back. The problem is, there are very few times in life that we are completely satisfied with anything. Often we go through all the motions that we think will lead to fulfillment, only to find a certain emptiness at the end. Unfortunately, the search for satisfaction often leads to a form of idol worship.

We're created with a void in our life. Beth Moore states..."the void God created in our lives for Himself will demand attention. We look desperately for something to satisfy us and fill the empty places. Our craving to be filled is so strong that the moment something or someone seems to meet our need, we feel an overwhelming temptation to worship it." I see this in my boys. If a new kid comes onto the scene that brings with him an allure of excitement, acceptance, or freshness, they become somewhat consumed by that person. What I often don't see is the times in my own life that I do the same thing. Without being able to identify the restlessness of my spirit, I see things that look good to me. It might be a new hobby, a fresh face, a different trend, a goal, a program, a trip, a fad. I jump on the band wagon thinking, "this is it, if I do THIS, I will be happy." But, it doesn't work.

The Bible teaches us that only God can fill that void. There are numerous references throughout the word that speak to this. Jesus was thirsty and tired when he sat down at the well and waited for the Samaritan woman. He said to her, "everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again". In other words, no guarentees on total satisfaction. But, then he went on to say "whoever drink of the water I give will NEVER THIRST... indeed...the water I give him will be spring welling up..." in other words, it will never run dry...total satisfaction. Jesus is a continual source of satisfaction. The problem comes when I dam up the well, and look for other ways to satisfy.

Isa. 44:20 says that when we substitute other things for the satisfaction that only God can provide, we're "feeding on ashes" and following a "deluded heart". I struggle with this. If I'm not careful, I become consumed with the ashes, and forget the nurishment that relationship with Jesus provides. For me, this means getting my head in the word, and having that consistant prayer time. It means not looking to people, programs, or distractions to meet the needs that simmer beneath the surface, the things that are endlessly insufficient.

1 comment:

Apple said...

Great post. I'm convicted...it's always something new and shiny I want to buy to make me a little better, prettier, more popular, skinnier...when what I really need to do is stop and pray. "Let me except myself the way I am, let me see myself as you see me...the child that you love."