Sunday, October 5, 2008

I quit

I've decided I really don't like blogging. I've never liked keeping a diary (the old term), journaling (the newer term) and even though it's a different format, it's still the same thing. So, I'm quitting.

Good bye


Bonnie said...

but, you never know, I might change my mind.

Nancy H. said...

You must change your mind. I love reading your blog, and I especially liked the pics of the two very handsome surfer dudes!

Katie Lamont said...

:( I keep checking in for updates! Atleast now my hopes won't be up! I enjoyed reading what you did write!

It makes me feel like we hang out... even though I never get to see you cause I went and moved up to VA!

Bonnie said...

ahhh,,,,Katie, that's sweet. It just takes to much time and energy to harness my 'fly by' thoughts. I like it when it's done, but don't love the process. But, that's sweet. You can still stop by and hang out with the memories.