Today, I was scrubbing the floor and I suddenly remembered it was Aug 1st. I opened the door where the children were vegging on the couch and said, "who knows what today is?" They promptly replied "Aug 1", and stared at me like I was sniffing pinesol for fun. So, I said, "Who knows what happened 15 years ago today?" Again, they looked at each other, then me, and shrugged their shoulders. So, I got to tell our story again....
15 years ago today, I lost a foster child that had lived with me for a year. I knew where she was going, and thought it was a good placement, but my heart was torn in half. About 2 hours after she moved out, the DSS worker called me. She asked me how I was, and I thought, 'isn't that nice, she's checking up on me'. I said, "OK, but I've got a huge hole in my heart". She said, "Well, I have just the thing to fill it." Within a few hours, I had a chubby, brown eyed boy in my arms. I fell in love instantly. It took awhile, and there were many bumps along the road, but today, Aug 1, 2008, that little boy still calls me "mama".
...and the really pretty one on the right is the blue eyed one! We sure love you Aunt Bonnie...Happy, Happy Anniversary! And please do not sniff anymore Pinesol because I am gonna tell Mama!
fireworks, slanted eyes, dragons. and lots of yellow skinned girls in white cowboy boots waving their hands for 6 hours straight.
Now you're caught up.
I like the picture you chose. It happens to be one of my favorites as well.
I look forward to writing back and forth with your class this coming year. Perhaps maybe we can even set up a time to skype while I am in Iraq. It would be neat to connect with the kids by video.
I want to tell you how much it means to me to know Nancy has a beach buddy at home with built in entertainment for my two.
God bless you and keep on teachin
All right, Bonnie, time to get back on your blogging pony and join the crowd.
(What the heck did I just say?!?!)
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